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  • Samtokyo

When the moon hits your eyes, like a big pizza pie that's amore.

I had to do it. I will shamefully contribute to the overrating of the perhaps most unpractical and over talked about topic in the history of human kind (so dramatic). Apologies .. not really since the beginning of human kind but maybe since ''when a man loves a woman'' was interpreted by the Fabio of 80s' love ballads, aka the one and only, Michael Bolton. What is love? An analysis. Keep reading, it won't hurt. Emotional connections and attachments between two beings would eventually come to be known as love, and just as stated above … evolution or devolution of humans would one day produce an unclimbable mountain of singers who would make millions writing and singing about it. Truth is, the ability that we have to connect with one another is a subconscious state of survival. This is neither romantic or sexy, but a fact. We then instinctively develop a level of loyalty and affection that makes some of us trade the world for the other, die for the other, lose sight. It is insane that as much as we want to be in control of our destiny, love takes our breath away. I am not talking about love as described by Plato, but love as excessively popularised by Shakespeare. It is almost insulting … We're born, we eat, poop and sleep. We go through socialisation, through school, discover butterflies and think life is over .. oh the non sense. Some of us ''mature'', study some more and walk straight into life balance. Then the undeniable happens and we offensively lose control. So insulting! All that hard work, all the advise, the mistakes and the lessons learned, to let it all go down the drains because someone else completed our sentences .. huh?! Survival instinct? I was already surviving, thanks. But then we carry on. We entertain those butterflies felt a decade ago, they make us fly. But we have no wings. Ah ok, metaphorically, I believe I can fly, and then I touch the sky. And this lasts and lasts and lasts. We then evolve, become one, and dissolve to our individual selves. This surely can’t be made into physics and can’t even be made into ethics. Does it have to be made into anything? ''When a man loves a woman'' should give way to ''when oneself loves oneself''. This is what it has to be made into. This is where the dissolved unifies and where it scientifically and truly cannot be made into physics, because 1 plus 1 will equal 1. Disclaimer: I know the video is cheesy, i know … but since I made a reference to Fabio, I had to upload a video of Bolton with his timeless long hair.

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