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  • Samtokyo

Más y más. Christ''mas'', y más ...

This post is long over due. As I interestingly and quietly tip toed myself out of the eleventh month and into the twelfth and final month of this misplaced year, events unwinded and quick decision making became my companion. Quick. Shift. Adapt. And I safely find myself 2000 miles away from home where for the first time, the real meaning of the holidays hit me on a genuine personal level. Tis the season I woke up on the 25th of December 2020 like any other Christmas day, not realising it would have been a different one, apart from the obvious current state of the world. I have been raised in a society where Santa's lullabies were learned and where the old dusty 50 feet tree and garlands are taken out of their boxes and displayed in shopping malls, for people to sit next to them, sip on fake coffee and take pictures ''for the kids'' ... Over two decades later, I was convinced of what my heart already knew; that it was not only ''their'' holiday. I found myself on that day, far from my home, into a new home. I found myself on that day, sharing for the first time on that day, the same laughs, the same acceptance, equivalent blessings and love and the common feeling of serenity and peace. For the first time ever, I have decided that it has never been ''their'' holiday only. For the first time ever on that day, I didn't feel like the foreign one, but someone sharing the same humanity with everyone else around that table. Más y más... Feliz Navidad! Right. nearly a month late. Nevertheless, I am thankful and grateful. And next step is to make my holidays become theirs...and not just for the kids

“A miracle on Calle Esmeralda” _________ ___ _ _ _ _ __ No song has inspired me this post but for the sake of consistency, posting the below for those who remember ... ha! Enjoy!

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